A GNRC Success Story – The Dress-Making Enterprise
The launch of the GNRC Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) Committee on February 2nd, 2023, was a resounding success, with numerous positive reports of impacts on the local community. Through the funds received from GNRC, the committee members were able to undertake several activities that have improved the lives of vulnerable children and families in Goma.
Amid the ongoing conflict in North Kivu, where GNRC operates, the committee’s efforts to end child poverty and create income-generating activities for the vulnerable are noteworthy. One of the most significant achievements by the GNRC members was the purchase and distribution of fourteen sewing machines to sixteen school-going girls from vulnerable families. The young beneficiaries received training on how to use the machines that allowed them to sew their own clothes and those of other school-going children from the most affected families by the ongoing war. The young beneficiaries have also gone a step further to impact the community by sewing clerical clothes, earning them money to cater for themselves and their families.
Moreover, the young beneficiaries are also passing on the skills gained by leading and training a group of children on how to use the machines. Their long-term goal is to have a big workshop where they can set up their sewing machines and work from a common area, a bold and ambitious effort from the youth. Most importantly, the beneficiaries are now able to pay their school fees without asking for money from their parents – a significant achievement indeed. This demonstrates that small acts with minimal resources by GNRC DRC have immediate and long-term benefits.
Overall, the GNRC DRC committee’s efforts have significantly impacted the community, and their commitment to further support vulnerable children through initiatives like ‘The Dress Making Enterprise’ are inspiring. Their story is a testament to the power of community-driven initiatives in promoting social and economic development.

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