All with Children

Arigatou International is all for children, but also all with them.

Children are at the center of all we do and how we do it. We work to ensure the creation of safe spaces and learning opportunities, free from any form of violence, where children can fully express themselves, participate, engage with people of different cultures and beliefs, and become actively and positively involved in our work and in their communities.

Our 3 Pillars of Child Involvement

We work to ensure children’s safety and well-being in all our actions

We listen to children and we take their opinions and suggestions seriously

We provide opportunities for children to take an active role in society.

Key Resources to Ensure Children's Safeguarding

Child Safeguarding is paramount to Arigatou International. Our Child Safeguarding Policy and Code of Conduct describes Arigatou International’s commitment to ensure that all our programs and activities prevent and respond to any safeguarding concern. They provide comprehensive and clear guidelines for all our staff members, volunteers and partners to keep children safe. Together with Arigatou International’s Policy and Code of Conduct, we have also developed two resources to ensure that all children we work with are safeguarded and treated with dignity and respect. 

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