Partner Organization Materials
In this section, we have compiled relevant resources and materials on child rights (such as guides, booklets, posters, surveys, and even online courses) created by partner organizations like UNICEF, Child Rights Connect, and Plan International.
These materials aim to help you strengthen your understanding of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and to provide you with effective tools to protect and safeguard children, and to ensure their participation and empowerment.
If you have a helpful resource that you would like us to consider adding to this page, please contact us and address your message to “Ethics Education for Children”

Child Rights Connect
Read children’s reflections about their rights across the world and what role they can play as human rights defenders.

Child Rights Connect
Illustrative leaflet to help children to understand the mechanism which allows them to complain to the UN about the violations of their rights.

Child Rights Connect
A guide for non- government organizations accompanying children in CRC.

Child Rights Connect
Pocket guide for children willing to tell how children’s rights are respected in their countries, including illustrative explanations about the Convention and reporting to the Committee on the Right of the Child.

Child Rights Connect and UNICEF
Review this booklet and poster with all the articles of the Convention of the Rights of the Child

International Social Service
Read a practical guide for the protection and safeguarding of children on the move, towards a quality sustainable solution.

Plan International
Download a child friendly poster with 21 articles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in three different languages (English, French, and Spanish)

Plan International
Find your inspiration to advocate for your right to education with this Education Advocacy Toolkit, a package of ideas and inspiring stories, developed by young people.

Plan International
Take this quiz to test your knowledge of the connection between the rights and plights of girls. Track your progress towards becoming a girls’ rights champion!

Plan International
A guide for young people on reporting cases of sale and sexual exploitation of children to the United Nations Special Rapporteur.

Learn what children, parents and teachers can do to end violence in schools and create safe environments where children and young people can live and learn without fear.

Participate in this online course provided by UNICEF to transform and refresh your understanding of child rights and a child rights approach, and to inspire you to apply a child rights lens to your everyday work and life.

Check a detailed interactive table presenting data and analysis of child’s health and development across the world with possibility to compare countries and different regions

A statistical snapshot into the various form of violence affecting young girls’ life and dignity.

Read what young people have to say about violence at and around school based on their experience and how they want to prevent it.