Children and youth from the Global Network of Religions for Children, GNRC, share their wisdom and recommendations to their peers to protect themselves and care for others.
Carlos – Miembro del Comité de Jóvenes de la GNRC en Nicaragua
Abeeha – Youth Leader from Pakistan
Aakash – Youth Leader from Coimbatore, India
Lamija – Youth Leader from Bosnia Herzegovina
Abdulqadir, 10 yrs – GNRC South Africa
Anjali, 15 yrs – Grade 9, Yuvabharathi Public School Coimbatore, Shanti Ashram, GNRC India
Muskaan, 15 yrs – Coimbatore, Shanti Ashram, GNRC India
Preethi, 15 yrs – Coimbatore, Shanti Ashram, GNRC India
Rotariu, Education for Change, GNRC Romania
Thegeendra, 13 yrs – Coimbatore, Shanti Ashram, GNRC India
Sameer, Youth Leader Search for Justice, GNRC Pakistan
Children Symphony Orchestra of Ecuador
Muslim youth shares a message from Ecuador
GNRC Youths from Ecuador sing moving song
Gonzaga Community message for families from the GNRC
Message from Aarish (India) on the COVID-19 Pandemic
Sajra, Member of GNRC, Bosnia & Herzegovina
Nikhitaa, GNRC Sri Lanka
Constanza, una joven Bahá’ì, comparte un mensaje desde Chile sobre el COVID-19
Sami, un joven musulmán, comparte un mensaje desde Chile sobre el COVID-19
Ignacio, un joven católico, comparte un mensaje desde Chile sobre el COVID-19
Mariam, una joven sufi, comparte un mensaje desde Chile sobre el COVID-19
Joel, un joven judío, comparte un mensaje desde Chile sobre el COVID-19
Martin, un joven de Brahma Kumaris, comparte un mensaje desde Chile sobre el COVID-19
Cristóbal, Karen y Renata, jóvenes de la Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días
Jovenes de GNRC comparten un mensaje desde Chile sobre el COVID-19
Asja, Youth Leader Mozaik and Member of GNRC Bosnia and Herzegovina
Miembros de GNRC responden a la pandemia COVID-19
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Prayer and Action
End Child Poverty
Ethics Education
Prayer and Action
End Child Poverty
Arigatou International works with people from diverse religious and cultural backgrounds to promote children’s rights and well-being at all levels — from the grassroots to the global.
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