Online Safety


Arigatou International is committed to raising awareness about child safety online which has become a larger threat in light of the COVID-19 pandemic with so many millions of children out of school and spending more hours navigating on the digital world.

During 2020, we have put a lot of effort into raising awareness about the risks children and young people can face online and the importance of making smart choices to keep themselves and others safe. 

WEBINAR: Safeguarding Children’s Dignity Online During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Arigatou International organized a webinar to provide a platform for discussion between experts and children on the current threats and challenges children are facing in the context of COVID-19 while they navigate in the digital world. It also included recommendations for religious communities and civil society to take action towards online safety for children. 

GNRC Youth Committee committed to promote online safety among children and young people

The members of the GNRC Youth Committee have been very committed in raising awareness about this important issue. The five children have gone through a 8-week learning program about online safety and they have recorded video-messages with concrete recommendations for children and young people on how to stay safe while they navigate online.