of Faith in Action for Children
- 16 to 20 November 2020

What Can You Do?
The Global Week of Faith in Action for Children brings together children and young people from diverse religious and cultural backgrounds, religious leaders, representatives from civil society and faith-inspired organizations, multilateral agencies and governments to catalyze joint-actions and compelling responses to address the underlying issues that impact children’s well-being and enhance their participation in matters that concern them, with particular focus on the impacts during and post COVID-19.

How Everything Started
In March 2020, Arigatou International took action through several activities around the world to support, protect and empower children during the COVID-19 pandemic!
We created spaces for children and youth to tell us how they were doing, to share their concerns and their needs, but also their ideas and reflections.
We connected virtually with many people, including religious leaders, people working to protect children, educators and youth to talk about how best to support children and ensure that they are protected. We have also come together to pray with people from different religions around the world, and we developed several materials, booklets, videos and messages. See them here.
We know these are difficult times and that many of you have taken actions to help others in your communities.
We have listened and worked together with many of you!

We Have Now Realized...
We need more time and spaces to create new connections for working together to ensure the rights of children and their well-being are a priority in this time of crisis. So, we decided to organize the Global Week of Faith in Action for Children.
Did You Know...
That the right of all children to be heard and have their views taken seriously is in Article 12 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC)?
Article 12 also ensures the right of children to participate in decisions that affect them, according to their level of maturity.
In Arigatou International we take this very seriously, and this is why we are inviting you to share with us your opinions and stories during the Global Week as well as showing us how we can work harder to protect your rights and well-being.

Article 12 also ensures the right of children to participate in decisions that affect them, according to their level of maturity.
In Arigatou International we take this very seriously, and this is why we are inviting you to share with us your opinions and stories during the Global Week as well as showing us how we can work harder to protect your rights and well-being.

16- 20 November 2020

Children and young people from diverse religious and cultural backgrounds, religious leaders and representatives from other organizations working with and for children.

To share how COVID-19 has affected your life, to tell your story about how you have managed the situation, to present your actions and learn from others how to support and empower other children and youth around you, to discuss with other children and adults how we can work better to protect and promote children’s well-being and create a better world for children and youth and make joint decisions for action.
What Can You Do?
Child-led Session
Virtual Exhibition
Regional Interfaith Prayer for Children
Children’s Solution Lab
Register Now
We invite you to complete this form to register for the GLOBAL WEEK of Faith in Action for Children. It is best if you do it with the support of an adult. You can ask your parents or guardians for help.
Your security is very important to us, so the information you add here will not be used for any other purpose and only selected people will have access to it. If you have any questions or concerns, please email Vera Leal (v.leal@arigatouinternational), Program Officer for the Ethics Education Initiative, who oversees this process. She will contact you and the adult responsible for your participation.
All children and young people who attend GLOBAL WEEK need the permission of their parents or legal guardians. We will contact the adult or organization that supports your participation.
What About Your Safety Online?
Children’s protection and safeguarding is always our priority, and it won’t be different during the Global Week. To protect your identity and dignity, we will request all participants to register for sessions. And during our online events and activities we will always follow the guidelines of our Safeguarding Policy and Code of Conduct to make sure you are safe and treated with respect.