
COVID-19 Pandemic

A candid headshot of Maria Teresa Shogetsu Avila.

Nuestro mundo emocional en medio de la pandemia

En este periodo de confinamiento que todos estamos viviendo, nos vemos confrontados a atravesar un tumulto de emociones que no son siempre fáciles de llevar.Aquello que nos era conocido y ritmaba cada día, se está desmoronando. Nos encontramos frente a la necesidad de buscar nuevos modos de relacionarnos, de organizarnos y adaptarnos, buscando secretamente no perder el equilibrio y mantenernos […]

Nuestro mundo emocional en medio de la pandemia Read More »

The headshot of Mercedes Román.

Consejos simples sobre cómo las familias pueden crear espacios para cultivar valores éticos y espiritualidad en sus niños y niñas

Para los padres/madres el guardar cuarentena para evitar contagio del Covid 19 no está siendo fácil. A mas de su tele-trabajo en algunos casos, tienen que atender las tareas domesticas complicadas por la pantemia, y la demanda de atención de sus hijos pidiendo ayuda con las tareas de tele-educación.

Consejos simples sobre cómo las familias pueden crear espacios para cultivar valores éticos y espiritualidad en sus niños y niñas Read More »

The headshot of Esther Lehmann.

COVID-19’s Challenges to Us as People of Faith By Esther Lehmann-Sow

  While I am a passionate follower of Jesus Christ, my life and friendship with many people of other faiths has taught me that while we may not share beliefs, our shared humanity and respect for the way faith shapes our lives allows us to join hands in serving vulnerable children across religious boundaries. But

COVID-19’s Challenges to Us as People of Faith By Esther Lehmann-Sow Read More »

A collage of circular images representing the Interfaith Prayer Initiative.

Arigatou International and Partners host an Interfaith Prayer with Children during the COVID-19 Pandemic

PRESS RELEASE Tokyo, 21 April 2020 Arigatou International and its Global Network of Religions for Children, together with several faith-based and interfaith organizations, will host a Live Interfaith Prayer with Children on Wednesday 22 April at 08.00 EST/14.00 CET. The Prayer will be livestreamed on YouTube and Facebook.

Arigatou International and Partners host an Interfaith Prayer with Children during the COVID-19 Pandemic Read More »

A collage of circular images representing the Interfaith Prayer Initiative.

Arigatou International y su Red Global de Religiones a favor de la Niñez junto con sus Socios, organizan una Oración Interreligiosa durante la Pandemia de COVID-19

COMUNICADO DE PRENSA Tokio, 21 de abril de 2020 Arigatou International y su Red Global de Religiones a favor de la Niñez, junto con varias organizaciones religiosas e interreligiosas, organizan una oración interreligiosa en vivo con niños y niñas, este miércoles 22 de abril a las 08.00 EST / 14.00 CET. La oración será transmitida

Arigatou International y su Red Global de Religiones a favor de la Niñez junto con sus Socios, organizan una Oración Interreligiosa durante la Pandemia de COVID-19 Read More »

A collage of circular images representing the Interfaith Prayer Initiative.

A Arigatou International e os seus parceiros estao organizando uma Oração Interreligiosa com Crianças durante a Pandemia do COVID-19

COMUNICADO DE IMPRENSA Tóquio, 21 de abril de 2020 Arigatou International e sua Rede Global de Religiões a Favor da Infância, juntamente com várias organizações religiosas e inter-religiosas, estão organizando uma Oração Inter-Religiosa ao Vivo com Crianças na quarta-feira, 22 de abril, às 08.00 EST / 14.00 CET. A oração será transmitida ao vivo no YouTube e

A Arigatou International e os seus parceiros estao organizando uma Oração Interreligiosa com Crianças durante a Pandemia do COVID-19 Read More »

A closeup of the headshot of Rabbi Diana Gerson.

Our Faith Provides Spiritual Support to Our Children during the COVID-19 Pandemic

The Torah teaches us that when children ask their parents, “What is this?” we must be prepared to answer them. Today the world feels upside down and our children understand that things are not normal. This pandemic that we face today is global in nature and impacts everyone. We can reassure them with the information

Our Faith Provides Spiritual Support to Our Children during the COVID-19 Pandemic Read More »

A closeup of the headshot of Rabbi Diana Gerson.

Our Faith Provides Spiritual Support to Our Children during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Our Faith Provides Spiritual Support to Our Children during the COVID-19 Pandemic The Torah teaches us that when children ask their parents, “What is this?” we must be prepared to answer them. Today the world feels upside down and our children understand that things are not normal. This pandemic that we face today is global

Our Faith Provides Spiritual Support to Our Children during the COVID-19 Pandemic Read More »

The headshot of Bani Dugal that's gotta be at 30ppi, considering how blurry it is. .

Putting children’s wellbeing first during the COVID-19 Pandemic

In recent days an apprehensive world has been coming to terms with an unprecedented global pandemic. Many souls are perplexed and dismayed, unsure of what will be. Yet seldom has it been more evident that society’s collective strength is dependent on the unity it can manifest in action, from the international stage to the grassroots. 

Putting children’s wellbeing first during the COVID-19 Pandemic Read More »

The headshot of Bani Dugal that's gotta be at 30ppi, considering how blurry it is. .

Putting children’s wellbeing first during the COVID-19 Pandemic

In recent days an apprehensive world has been coming to terms with an unprecedented global pandemic. Many souls are perplexed and dismayed, unsure of what will be. Yet seldom has it been more evident that society’s collective strength is dependent on the unity it can manifest in action, from the international stage to the grassroots.

Putting children’s wellbeing first during the COVID-19 Pandemic Read More »

An image of a Muslim family with two children playfully interacting with the camera.

Arigatou International launches Global Campaign to Mobilize Religious Leaders to Respond to the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Children

PRESS RELEASE Tokyo, 6 April 2020 Arigatou International launched today a global campaign titled “Faith in Action for Children” calling on religious leaders and religious communities to increase their actions in response to the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on children. The campaign builds on the important role that faith plays in emergency situations to strengthen

Arigatou International launches Global Campaign to Mobilize Religious Leaders to Respond to the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Children Read More »

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