Faith in Action for Children: Our Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
Faith in Action for Children
Our Response to the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Children and Youth
Access our resources for religious communities, parents, caregivers, and children responding to COVID-19.
Learn about the Global Week of Faith in Action for Children: Multigenerational & Interfaith Dialogue

A special message from Rev. Keishi Miyamoto, President of Arigatou International, on the COVID-19 Pandemic
The coronavirus (COVID-19) has now spread across the globe and the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared it a pandemic. The world has been affected in unprecedented ways. We are all saddened by the report that an increasing number of people, mostly the elderly but also including children, are losing their lives to this virus.
Arigatou International COVID-19 Webinar Series

LIBERTAD CREADORA: Un Conversatorio con Adolfo Pérez Ezquivel y Francesco Tonucci
On September 12, 2020, a virtual conversation was conducted with the Argentian Nobel Peace Prize laureate Adolfo Pérez Esquivel and Italian psycopedagogue Francesco Tonucci, on the topic of “Promoting Children’s Creative Freedom in Latin America and the Caribbean.” The event was organized by the GNRC Committee in Argentina.
How Faith Inspired Organizations in Europe are Supporting & Protecting Children During COVID-19
Safeguarding Children’s Dignity Online During the COVID-19 PANDEMIC
Faith-Based Inspired Organizations in Asia Supporting, Protecting and Empowering Children During the COVID-19 Pandemic
El Impacto del COVID-19 en el Bienestar y los Derechos de los Niños y las Niñas
Want to see other webinars from Arigatou International?
Global Week of Faith in Action for Children
Interfaith Prayer With Children In the Wake of the COVID-19 Pandemic
22 April 2020

How can you get involved?
We invite you to join hands in action with us to protect and empower children during this difficult time.
You can join the campaign by:
1. Sharing by emailing us here about what you are doing with your communities to protect children during the COVID-19 Pandemic and we will select updates periodically to share across our social media
2. Following and implementing these 12 concrete recommendations to keep children safe and protected, and ensure their physical and spiritual well-being
3. Sharing these resources with parents and caregivers and with your religious communities
4. Using the hashtag #FaithInActionForChildren in your social media
5. Offering your time and expertise, and volunteering with us to promote this campaign and/or implement specific actions

“While the elderly and those with pre-existing health complications are the most vulnerable to COVID-19, as always, women and children often become extra-vulnerable not only from the virus but also from their vulnerable situation in most societies, including from domestic violence, gender-based violence and lack of effective social safety nets.”
Kul Chandra Gautam
Chair, Arigatou International Advisory Group, Former Deputy Executive Director, UNICEF, and Assistant Secretary-General, United Nations.
What Religious Communities and Faith-Based Organizations are Doing to Respond and Support Children
The Faith in Action for Children Global Campaign provides several tools and recommendations for faith-based organizations, religious communities, parents and caregivers to support, protect and empower children during the COVID-19 pandemic.
We invite you to learn about the responses from several of our partners and members of the Global Network of Religions for Children.
Voices of Children
Children and youth from the Global Network of Religions for Children, GNRC, share their wisdom
and recommendations to their peers to protect themselves and care for others.
Carlos - Miembro del Comité de Jóvenes de la GNRC en Nicaragua

Voices of Religious Leaders
Religious leaders from around the world are joining the Faith in Action for Children Global Campaign to raise awareness about the importance of listening to the voices of children, and of caring, protecting and empowering them during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Faith in Action for Children
How Religious Leaders and Communities Can Support and Protect Children during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Religious Leaders from Latin America and the Caribbean Respond to COVID-19
Religious leaders, members of the Global Network of Religions for Children (GNRC), make a strong call to keep social distancing, promote self and mutual care, and solidarity with one another. They appealed to use this time to surround our children with care and love.
View the video in Spanish with the voices of 14 religious leaders from diverse religious groups in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Faith in Action for Children
12 Messages and Actions to Ensure Children’s Wellbeing during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Resources for Parents and Caregivers
Learning to Live Together
An Activity Booklet for Children during the Covid-19 Pandemic - For Children Aged 4 to 18
This booklet suggests a variety of fun, educational activities for families and children to strengthen family bonds, nurture children’s spirituality, and provide learning opportunities for them to reflect on ethical challenges during and after the pandemic.
Nurturing children’s spirituality and ethical reflections during the COVID-19 lockdown
Two Posters for Parents to aid communication and togetherness during Covid-19
A fun guide to learn how to create spaces in your family home to connect with one another through playing, reading or telling stories to each other! Involve children’s help in activities such as cooking, cleaning, gardening, and others.

Additional Resources
Several GNRC members and partners have created additional resources to raise awareness and protect communities, families and children during the COVID-19 Pandemic. The following is a selection of good resources.