
Who We Are


Who We Are

Arigatou International works with people from diverse religious and cultural backgrounds to build a better world for children.

Believing that every child is a precious treasure of humanity, Arigatou International draws on universal principles of common good to fulfill its “All for Children” mission. At the heart of our work is creating inclusive spaces for shared action to promote children’s rights and well-being. We encourage individuals and organizations to take action to ensure that all girls and boys grow up safe and sound, develop to their full potential, and are inspired and empowered to work with others to make a difference in their communities. 

Arigatou International develops and sustains multi-stakeholder initiatives designed to ensure that all children are treated with dignity and that all of their rights are respected and protected. Engaging diverse collaborators, we employ interfaith and intercultural approaches to bring about positive change for children at all levels—from the grassroots to the global.

At Arigatou International, we value children for who they are and fully involve them in our work, always safeguarding their well-being, providing for their full participation, and affirming their human dignity. For Arigatou, children are deeply respected, fully recognized participants in shaping the world.

Arigatou International works together with diverse religious leaders and faith communities, international agencies, civil society organizations, governments, children and young people in more than 80 countries around the world, and its efforts continue to grow in reach, diversity and impact.

Across our four global initiatives—the Global Network of Religions for Children (GNRC), Ethics Education for Children, Prayer and Action for Children, and End Child Poverty—we are guided by the principles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and committed to contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals, especially the targets related to children.

Arigatou International is an international NGO in special consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and in consultative status with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).

Arigatou International was founded in 1990 by the Japanese Buddhist organization Myochikai, whose members continue to support its work today with donations. The name “Arigatou” means “thank you” in Japanese, and it expresses the spirit of the Myochikai members, who are grateful to have the opportunity to support children around the world.

Arigatou International has its headquarters in Tokyo, Japan, and offices in Geneva, New York, and Nairobi which support its global initiatives.

See “History” for more information about Arigatou International’s growth over the years.

For more information on these four major initiatives of Arigatou International, visit the websites of the GNRCEthics EducationPrayer and Action and End Child Poverty

Arigatou International Building a Better World for Children Brochure.

What Our Logo Says

The Arigatou Shining Heart Mark evokes the shape of the Japanese character for “heart,” representing the compassion for children which is at the core of everything Arigatou International does. The Arigatou Gold color shines with the energy and warmth of the hope, spirituality, compassion, and solidarity we strive to practice. Meanwhile, the diagonal italicized design of “All for Children” highlights our commitment to serving, supporting, and empowering children, partners, and all stakeholders in an active way that lifts them up.