Rev. Keishi Miyamoto, President, Arigatou International, contributed an essay on “The Role of Social, Emotional, and Spiritual Development Programmes in the Prevention of Violence” to the “Safe to Learn” essay collection published by the Safe to Learn initiative and End Violence Partnership. This essay collection was launched at the margins of the Transforming Education Pre-Summit. The Pre-Summit is part of the preparation for the upcoming UN Secretary General’s Transforming Education Summit. Arigatou International has long emphasized the need to include children’s social, emotional, and spiritual development as key components of the right to “quality education” enshrined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Rev. Miyamoto’s essay details the need to include specific content addressing these facets of child development in curricula. Doing so will help give young people the skills to respond to differences with tolerance and acceptance. This, in turn, will help prevent peer-to-peer violence in schools. Read more about the essay collection and the other authors here.